The long-awaited 5th album was released on 29th/30th June 2024. Nicknamed “the concerto”, MissOM4 has six movements of various sections with contrasting tempi, the appearance of motivic repetition and variation, and solo cadenzas. But it is not a classical album.
MissOM4 features Shueh-li’s undeniable writing, performing and production style, and her penchant for sound design and odd time-signatures in Jazz Fusion, Rock, Prog, Electronic and other exotic pieces.
With guest appearances by the inimitable Dean Parks, bassist Brian Mooney of the Mahavishnu Project, and drummer Jake Siberon and bassist John Tuohy of prog-metal band Mile Marker Zero.
She combines JRF, rock, classical, electronic, prog, pop and cultural influences to create something which is totally off the wall yet intriguing at the same time. It is rare for me to come across an album which is totally unlike anything else I have ever heard … I have no idea whatsoever where this music is going to lead and consequently found myself quite enamoured in the way it developed. This is an interesting album which is definitely pushing the progressive boundaries ~ 5 out of 6 stars.
kev rowland/ 29sept2024
Shueh-li Ong’s new album once again confirms the talent of the Australian-born, Singaporean origins Nashville musician. The possible initial feeling of disorientation in front of the kaleidoscope of sensations evoked by this work is soon dispelled by the songs’ compositional solidity and the album’s internal coherence…
Valerio saggini/thereminvox 12dec2024
You may or may not like Shueh-li Ong’s music (I do!), but intrinsic quality and originality are facts.
Theremin30 podcast Interview
theremin30 S6E2 7july2024
Featured on Prog-Rock Diner: radio program Sept15 & Sept22
Radio Fairfax 15Sept and 22Sept 2024
Sometimes MissOriented Metaphor rocks, sometimes it’s pastoral and vaguely Eastern, occasionally angular and dissonant, and sometimes it’s coolly synthetic. But it’s never less than fascinating.
Bill Kopp/Musoscribe 3Nov2024
You really have a unique style/signature sound, unconfined and unfettered from 12 tone western music.
jay schankman. on album missoriented metaphor. 2024
Such an interesting blend of sounds. Wonderful as always.
Featured on Gagliarchives radio
House of Prog 8june2024
Activities on album-release weekend:
MissOM4 was released on 29th June in front of a real audience and via livestream on Shueh-li’s youtube channel Oceanachine. Location was Nelco Comics in San Antonio TX and hosted by good friend and owner, Philip Nelson. On the 30th June, the players’ edition featured Dean Parks, Jake Siberon & John Tuohy.
Where to get the album:
DIGITAL: MissOM4 can be downloaded from Shueh-li’s Bandcamp Site (digital album).
PHYSICAL: A limited number of physical, autographed and hand-assembled jewel-case CDs (pic below) at USD$35/ea are available! Please drop Shueh-li a message and await S&H costs for a total before making the transaction. Thank you for your support!